Prishtinë    01/07/2024

Prishtina – The Board of Directors of Privatisation Agency of Kosovo held its regular meeting in which, among other things, reviewed and approved the Final Report of the Selection Committee in the recruitment process for the position of deputy executive director - operations. Following a regular, open and transparent recruitment process and based on applicable legal procedures, administered by a professional committee, as well as after review of complaints by the Independent Oversight Board of the Civil Service of Kosovo, the Board took decision to appoint Mr. Burim Leci in the position of PAK deputy executive director - operations, who was estimated as a candidate with the highest scores during the recruitment process.

During the meeting, the Board was also informed of the management’s activities of the Agency for the previous one month period, and reviewed and approved the PAK budget for the next fiscal year 2025


As regards sales by public tender, the Board approved the announcement of the new wave of sales – Liquidation Asset Sales no. 67, with a total of 36 assets, which will be published soon. The Board also dealt with cases of direct sales of assets of SOEs, approving 54 initial cases (18 approvals and 36 rejections) and 1 final report of the direct sales division.


In addition, the Board also discussed about the process of leasing the properties of socially owned enterprises under PAK administration, reviewed the results of the public announcement for the leasing of 233 assets that was held this month and approved the bids with the highest prices offered, as well as took decisions on a number of requests submitted by public and private institutions for direct lease of socially owned assets.


The board also discussed regarding the condition in the "Brezovica" enterprise, which has increased the revenues during this year compared to the previous period. During the reporting year, in accordance with the decision of the Board, in this enterprise are made capital investments in the amount of approximately 100,000 euros to improve the conditions of the enterprise, which has achieved better results compared to previous years.


During the meeting, the Board was informed by the PAK management regarding the final report of the process of liquidation of the construction artisan enterprise "Muharrem Bekteshi", in Mitrovica South, "Erozioni", "Veterinary Station Kaçanik", "Trepça Konfeksioni" and for SOE "Bagat Zare". The Board also approved the initiation of liquidation procedures for three SOEs: "Veterinary Station", Podujevë, "ATM-PR", Zagreb and for "Veselin Maslesha" Publishing Enterprise, Sarajevo. The Board also approved the proposals submitted by the Liquidation Authority regarding the requests for relinquishing of 9 cases of Socially Owned Enterprises, including buildings and parcels of public interest.


During this meeting, the Board approved the final lists of workers and distribution of 20% to the workers of three Socially Owned Enterprises SOE "Jugopetrol", SOE "Jugoplastika" and SOE "Kosova Tourist". Furthermore, the Board approved the Distribution Reports for SOE: "Theranda" and the supplementary interim distribution Report for SOE "Shockabsorbers", in which previously was also carried out distribution of funds to its workers.


The Board of Directors also discussed other issues within the framework of the activities being undertaken by PAK to improve the administration and management processes of socially owned assets as best as possible.