The Privatization Agency of Kosovo is an independent public body that carries out its functions and responsibilities with full autonomy, by the Assembly of Kosovo Law No. 05/L-080.
The PAK shall possess full juridical personality and in particular the capacity to enter into contracts, acquire, hold and dispose of property and have all implied powers to discharge fully the tasks and powers conferred upon it by the present law; and to sue and be sued in its own name. The PAK is established as the successor of the Kosovo Trust Agency regulated by UNMIK Regulation 2002/12 “on the establishment of the Kosovo Trust Agency”, as amended, and all assets and liabilities of the latter shall be assets and liabilities of the PAK.
The Special Chamber have exclusive jurisdiction for all suits against the Agency.
The Agency has the Board of Directors, the Executive Director and two Deputy Executive Directors, the Division of the Executive Secretariat as well as professional and technical personnel.