Aset Sale in Liqudation - 67

Privatization Agency of Kosovo is tasked to privatize Socially Owned Enterprises in Kosovo through the methods of spin-off and liquidation. Investors are invited to buy through open competitive tender the assets listed below of certain SOE's.


The entities/assets set out below fall within the jurisdiction of PAK pursuant to Law No. 04/L-034 on the Privatization Agency of Kosovo


Generic Rules of Tender - 2023

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Day for submitting bids is:
31 July 2024

10:00 h -12:00 h

In Conference Hall of Grand Hotel, in Pristina


Item no.01: AC Preluzha Parcel 00118-0 - This sale offers an agriculture land, field 1 class, with surface of 4725m² (47are 25m²), in CZ Prilluzha, Municipality of Vushtrri. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC “Prelluzha” (Fi-904/90)

Item no.02: Lux Shop Dëshira Juaj I in South Mitrovica - This sale offers a business premises with surface 100.57m² referring to the measurements realized during the field visit, but according to the asset list shop has 80m². The shop is located in the “Xhafer Deva” street in Mitrovica. The shop is vacated. (Bid Deposit: € 10,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: S.O.E. “Lux” Fi - 200/89; Fi- 6273/92; UNMIK 80038216

Item no.03: Agrokultura Warehouse in Bare - This sale offers a warehouse with surface of 175m² according to the possession document- invoice of property tax, while referring to the measurements realized during the field visit has surface of 167m². Warehouse is located in village Bare, near Primary school, Municipality South Mitrovica. Currently the warehouse is unused. (Bid Deposit: € 3,500)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC “23 Nëntori” Fi-414/75, Fi-1604/90; PZ “Rasadnik” D.D Fi-7898/92; K.P. Agrokultura, 80091117

Item no.04: IMB Shop 10 in Tuneli i Parë - This sale offers a shop with surface 56.4m², referring to the measurements realized during the field visit, but according to the asset list shop has 55m². The shop is located at Tuneli i Parë. The shop is currently closed. (Bid Deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: SOE IMB –Mitrovicë; Zitopromet Fi -709/89; JSC Mlinpek Fi 1045/94; JSC Mlinpek Fi 1530/94; NSH IMB UNMIK RPB Nr 80106483

Item no.05: Lux Shop Rudar in Tuneli i Parë - This sale offers a business premises with surface 78.06m² referring to the measurements realized during the field visit, but according to the asset list shop has 50m². The shop is located in the ground floor of the residential building in Tuneli i Parë, Mitrovica. Currently the shop is closed. (Bid Deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: S.O.E. “Lux” Fi - 200/89; Fi- 6273/92; UNMIK 80038216

Item no.06: Lux Supermarket Tunel in Tuneli i Parë - This sale offers a shop with surface 150m² according to the asset list, while referring to the measurements realized during the field visit, this shop has 168m². The shop is located in the main road of Tuneli I Pare, Municipality of South Mitrovica. Currently the shop is closed. (Bid Deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: S.O.E. “Lux” Fi - 200/89; Fi- 6273/92; UNMIK registration no. 80038216

Item no.07: AC Bec - Cadastral plot no.461-0 CZ Kodrali e Becit – This sale includes cadastral plot no.461-0 surface 6ari 55m² (655m²) with culture agricultural land class 4 located in ZK Kodrali e Becit, Gjakova Municipality.  (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC “Bec”, Bec (Fi.391/90)

Item no.08: AC Bec - Cadastral plots no.1189-1 and 1191-4 CZ Cërmjan  – This sale includes cadastral plot no. 1189-1 surface 33m² and no.1194-4 with surface 10ari 93m² (1093m²) located in ZK Cërmjan, Gjakova Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC “Bec”, Bec (Fi.391/90)

Item no.09: Cadastral plot no.623-0 CZ Lubovë – This sale includes cadastral plot no.623-0 surface 683m² (6ari 83m²) located in ZK Lubove, Istog Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NSH“Dubrava”, Istog Fi. 268/89

Item no.10 Cadastral plot no.631-0 CZ Shushicë – This sale includes cadastral plot no.631-0 surface 2420m² (24ari 20m²) located in ZK Shushicë, Istog Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NSH“Dubrava”, Istog Fi. 268/89

Item no.11: Commercial Land CZ Gramaqel - This sale includes cadastral plot no. 354/0 surface 6ari 80m² (680m²) located in ZK Gramaqel, Decan Municipality. (Depozit ponude: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: KB Perparimi Fi.366/80
 Item no.12: NPB Malishgani - Cadastral plot no.227-19 CZ Kosh – This sale includes cadastral plot no. 227-19 surface 29ari 96m² located in ZK Kosh, Istog Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NPB Malishgani, Klinë në likuidim (“Ndërmarrja”) Fi. Fi.265/90

Item no.13: NT Koreniku - Cadastral plot no. 160-1 CZ Rakosh- this sale includes cadastral plot nr.160-1 surface 7ari 52m² (752m²), located in ZK Rakosh, Istog Municipality.  (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NT “Korenik”, Istog Fi.501/89

Item no.14: Movable assets of former lessee of NSH Ramiz Sadiku in Istok - This sale includes movable assets known as "Liquid Production and Filling Line" such as Equipment: Liquid Filling Machine, Alfa Lava, Metal Tube, Weygimoveket Epito, Power Panel (Nordson Saturn), Certuss Equipment, Industrial Boiler with coal 2000kw, etc. that are in possession of SOE Ramiz Sadiku in Peja. (Bid deposit: € 10,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: FAP “Ramiz Sadiku”, Pejë Fi-970-91

Item no.15: Apiko – Premises (ex-warehouse) in Prishtinë - premises (ex-warehouse) with a surface of 238m² according to measurements from terrain, it is located in the ground floor of dwelling, str. UÇK nr.90, in Prishtinë. Premises are in good condition. Actually, premises are rented. (Bid deposit: € 25,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: SOE “Apiko” Deçan (Fi.158/89)

Item no.16: AC Bec - Cadastral plot no. 1149-0 CZ Kralan – This sale includes cadastral plot no. 1149-0 surface 12ari 66m² (1266m²) with culture agriculture land class 4 located in ZK Kralan, Gjakova Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC “Bec”, Bec (Fi.391/90)

Item no.17: NPB Malishgani - Cadastral plots 244-1 dhe 245-4 ZK Dranashiq - This sale includes plot No.244-1 with surface 5ari 01m² (501m²) CZ Dranashiq with culture building land and plot no.245-4 with surface 6ari 81m² (681m²) field culture 5th class in CZ Dranashiq, Klina Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)    Previous names and Fi numbers: PPP “Malishgan”, Klinë (Fi. 256/90

Item no.18: NPB Malishgani Parcel no.97-2 CZ Gjurgjevik – this sale includes cadastral plot no.97-2 with in surface of 7ari20m² (720m²) in CZ Gjurgevik/Djurdjevik, Klinë/a Municipalty. (Bid Deposit: €3,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AWE Malishgan, Klinë/a (Fi.256/90

Item no.19: AIC Dubrava Parcels no.1340-1, 1340-2 and 1340-3 CZ Shushicë – this sale includes land parcels in total surface of 26ari 70m² (2670m²) in CZ Shushicë, Istog. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NSH “Dubrava”, Istog Fi. 268/89

Item no.20: AC Gurrakoci parcel no. 424-6 CZ Dobrushë – this sale includes parcel no. 424-6 in surface of 3ari 66m² (366m²) in CZ Dobrushë, Istog. (Bid deposit: € 3,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NSH “Dubrava”, Istog Fi. 268/89

Item no.21: Parcel no.199-3 in Dranashiq - This sale includes plot no.199-3 land area of 1566m² (15ari 66m²) with field culture 4th class, in CZ Dranashiq, Klina Municipality. The property has access to public road. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)    
Previous names and Fi numbers: PPP “Malishgan”, Klinë (Fi. 256/90)

Item no.22: Ratar Agriculture Land Çagllavicë XI - this unit offers agriculture land, cadastral parcel 767-5, with culture arable land 4 class, with total area of 3660m² (36ari 60m²). Parcel is located in CZ Cagllavica, Prishtina Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 15,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: SOE ”Ratar” Llapllasellë (ex part of  PIK “Kosova Export”),  Fi.809/89.

Item no.23: Ratar Agriculture Land Çagllavicë VIII - this unit offers agriculture land, cadastral parcel 1381/6, with culture arable land 1th class, with total area of 5200m² (52ari 00m²). Parcel is located in CZ Caglavica, Prishtina Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 15,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: SOE ”Ratar” Llapllasellë (ex part of  PIK “Kosova Export”),  Fi.809/89.

Item no.24: Ratar Agriculture Land Prishtinë XI - this unit offers agriculture land, cadastral parcel 10294/1, with culture field 6rd class, with total area of 1638m² (16ari 38m²). Parcel is located in CZ Llapllasellë, Graçanica Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 20,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: SOE ”Ratar” Llapllasellë (ex part of  PIK “Kosova Export”),  Fi.809/89.

Item no.25: Ratar Agriculture Land Llapllaselle XXXIV - this unit offers agriculture land, cadastral parcel 202/21, with culture field 2th class, with total area of 4775m² (47ari 75m²). Parcel is located in CZ Llapllasellë, Graçanica Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 15,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: SOE ”Ratar” Llapllasellë (ex part of  PIK “Kosova Export”),  Fi.809/89.

Item no.26: AC Kosova Agriculture Land in Lipjan - this unit offers agriculture land, cadastral parcel 1431-0, with culture field 1th class, with total area of 4156m² (41ari 56m²). Parcel is located in CZ Lipjan, Llipjan Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 10,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC "Kosova"; AC Lipjan; SHA "Poljoprivreda"; Fi-7667/92, Fi-3890/94;   

Item no.27: AC Kosova Agriculture Land in Dobratin I - this unit offers agriculture land, cadastral parcels 13/0 and 15/0 , with culture field 4th class, with total area of 4808m² (48ari 08 m²). Parcel is located in CZ Dobratin, Gracanica  Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC "Kosova"; AC Lipjan; SHA "Poljoprivreda"; Fi-7667/92, Fi-3890/94;   

Item no.28: AC Kosova Agriculture Land in Dobratin II - this unit offers agriculture land, cadastral parcels 05/0 and 06/0 , with culture field 3th class, with total area of  3449m² (34ari 49 m²). Parcel is located in CZ Dobratin, Gracanica Municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: AC "Kosova"; AC Lipjan; SHA "Poljoprivreda"; Fi-7667/92, Fi-3890/94;   

Item no.29: AC Drita Agriculture Land in Balloc - This sale offers agriculture land with area of 3043m² (30ari 43m²). Land includes cadastral parcel no. 1449/0 with culture arable land 4th class, Cadastral Zone Balloc, Municipality of Podujeva. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: Kooperativa Bujqësore "Drita" në Sfeqël Fi. 563/85

Item no.30: AC Perparimi Agricultural Land in Llaushe- This sale offers agriculture land with total surface of 3746m² (37ari 46m²). Land includes cadastral parcel 1669/0 with culture meadow 5th class, CZ Llaushe, Podujeva municipality. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: WO “Sloga” Fi-100/80, AC “Perparimi” Fi 940/90.

Item no.31: Gadime Quarry Assets - This sale offers the following facilities: offices on the ground floor with a total area of 98.12m², warehouse/hangar with an area of 162.80m² and the well with an area of 9m². Assets are located in Gadime e ulët, Municipality of Lipjan. There is no land to be transferred to the new buyer. (Bid deposit: € 15,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: Miniera e Linjitit – Seperacioni i Gurëve (Fi-751/89)

Item no.32: SOE Komuna – Property in Nashec, Prizren  - offers for sale the property registered  in the Certificate for the Immovable Property Rights in the name of SOE with area of 36m² with culture house/building  in the parcel no. 753-0 in the Cadastral Zone Nashec, Prizren Municipality. 
According to the sales procedures with public tender, to the new owner will be transfered the area presented in the certificate. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: DP “Komuna” Prizren – Fi 589/89; DD “Komuna” Prizren, Fi 6546/92; N.P.T. “Komuna” Prizren.

Item no.33: SOE DLB - Parcel 5801-0 CZ Prizren - offers for sale agricultural land located in CZ Prizren and includes cadastral parcel P-71813068-05801-0 with the total surface of 555 m² (5ari 55m²), with land culture arable land class 4. (Bid deposit: € 2,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: PIK "Progres-Export"-"Ratarstvo" sa P.O Dusanovo, "Progres Export- Ratarstvo i Stocarstvo " Fi. -698/89, Fi. -7337/92.

Item no.34: SOE Sharrprodhimi – Shop in village Kuk, Dragash – includes the business premise in the ground floor of building P+1 with total surface area of 134m², located in village Kuk, constructed by SOE in the parcel 422-0 - CZ Kuk, Dragash Municipality. Land where the business premise is located and the floor P+1 of building is NOT the part of this sale. Currently the business premise is leased.
(Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NBQ "Sarproizvodi" Fi 302/89 (1989); DD "Sarproizvodi" (1993)

Item no.35: SOE Sharrprodhimi – Shop in village Baçkë, Dragash – includes the business premise with total surface area of 60m² which is ground floor building (P+0), located in village Baçkë, constructed by SOE in the parcel 334-0 - CZ Baçkë, Dragash Municipality. Land where the business premise is located is NOT the part of this sale. Currently the business premise is leased. (Bid deposit: € 5,000)
Previous names and Fi numbers: NBQ "Sarproizvodi" Fi 302/89 (1989); DD "Sarproizvodi" (1993)

Item no.36: SOE Veterinary Station Rahovec – Movable assets – two cars Yugo - one car Yugo 1, white color, 3 doors, produced in 1997 with capacity 1116cm3 and Yugo 2 produced in 1998, white color, 3 doors, with capacity 1116 cm3. Car Yugo 1 produced in 1997 has been in working order until March 2014 and after that time it is not used. While Yugo 2 produced in 1998 has not been in working order. Cars are not registered. (Bid deposit: € 300)
Previous names and Fi numbers: OOUR Veterinarska Stanica u Orahovcu (Fi.41/81)


Exact land surfaces for all Items can be obtained in the Final Information Memorandum

The information given in this publication may contain inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors for which the Privatization Agency of Kosovo will not in any way be responsible nor shall accept liability regarding the use, validity, accuracy, completeness or reliability, regardless of their nature.
